Thursday, October 8, 2009

OMG! 9 weeks from Saturday!

updates updates! My dress is in - i got a call and a message that it's in and I have to make an appointment to pick it up. I've called two times today with no luck of speaking to anyone that knows what's going on. I really just want to get it out of the store, since it has taken nearly SEVEN MONTHS to come in (just REDICULOUS!), and to my seamstress so she can start - I'm having some sort-of major work by removing the corset and putting in a zipper & buttons... Hopefully i can get it Sunday!

Invites are printed and ready to be assembled at home! Fresh off the press - I can't wait!! There are layers of colored paper, so they need to be put together, with labels on, and then in the mail next week! SOOOO excited and I'm dying to see them!

One BM dress is in - was ordered from David's Bridal only about 2-3 weeks ago - now they are the company to work with if you can find something there!

This week we went over our ceremony and started the outline with our officiant - everything is getting more and more real and I can't wait!

In between I have been slaving away on a project I have due for class today, which has consumed all of my freetime this week. It's over tonight after I give my presentation - ahhhhhh!

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