Wednesday, August 12, 2009

4 months 4 months 4 months!

Holy majoly - but very exciting! I think of 4 months ago [April] and that doesn't seem too far away, so it is nuts to me that in 4 months we'll be getting married. Today I'm sending in the retainer letter & deposit to my florist (very excited about the direction we are going). My FH and I are going to have a date night on Friday - our pastor has given us the 'orders' and we must report back to him on Monday, our next session of counseling. We are at the point where we are going to start discussing ceremony and timelines and all that other stuff. I went to Borders after work yesterday to look for a Florida Keys coffee table book to use for our guest book - no such luck - nothing even close! I am going to have to order one online and hope for the best that it will be good. I was hoping to be able to skim through it to make sure it's what we'd want... but there are some choices online.

Other things I have been thinking about and working with others on: menus, itinerary for evening [my aunt], programs [FSIL], and FH has started working on music - starting by initial reception music... I told him I'm in control and on top of the late night music, ha!

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