Monday, March 2, 2009

no dress!

not set FOR SURE on a dress yet, found a couple that I liked, but not sure they are the ONE yet... if there is the ONE when it comes to a dress -there are SO many and all are pretty in their own way! it's hard. at least for me. My FG thought that every dress I tried on was the ONE and every dress she tried on was the ONE. Too cute.

we were suppose to go register at C&B on Sunday, but did not. for a couple reasons. one being i needed a break after spending all day saturday at bridal stores, and i did not feel like being around a bunch of couples scanning items they wish for. so we woke up, got ready, then I decided that i didn't feel like it - we have so much time for that. oops.

Not doing anything for a bit - going to Utah to see my family this weekend. Leave thursday, can't wait - looking forward to getting away.

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