so I really shouldn't be blogging because I'm in my computer lab at school and suppose to be doing homework that is due Friday, but before it escapes my mind, I must share a little of our registering experience yesterday. We went to Macy's in Oak Brook for a wedding registry event (free bag with wine glasses & wine traveler deal) - We were early (about 30 minutes) and get inside the store and I start looking on the legend for where housewares are... I did not see them listed and then remember Oak Brook has a "home store", so I ask the guy in mens [where we were] where "home wares" are and if they are at the seperate Macy's store down the street - he replies YES.... NOW, i can't remember if I said "home wares" or "home furnishings", but I immediately think we are in the wrong place and we leave...
As we are driving to the other store, I am being questioned "are you sure? did you bring the card? do you have info on this event?" - thank god it's just 2 minutes away - We get to Macy's HOME STORE and there are literally 3 cars in the parking lot... Now i'm 2nd guessing what I asked the clerk... Long story short, we get inside, wrong place! AT the main store in Oak Brook... My FH smiles and is very patient (for once!) and tells me I am lucky they are so close... we finally get back to the right store and find the event upstairs...
At the end of the day, we had fun - he was more fun than I thought he'd be and we picked out a china pattern! everyone says that's the hardest thing, but was easy for us? we have similar tastes and I guess that means the hard part is over?! OH, and i went to the bathroom and while I was in there, my FH scanned 19 ceramic bunnies, 10 puppies & chocolates valentines, an ice cream maker, 5 popcorn bins, and 9 godiva caramel chocolates? I have since deleted them... :-) Here's our china pattern:
You cancelled the ice cream maker???
Yes - sorry! we need other things besides an ice cream maker :-) plus that's what a trip to cold stone is for!!
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